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Viewing results from „11 to 20” of 447 results total
European space and digital players to study build of EU’s satellite-based connectivity system
satellite-based connectivity system Boosting the digital economy, bridging the digital divide Contact[...] digital sovereignty and provide secure connectivity for citizens, commercial enterprises and public[...] as broadband connectivity for European citizens, companies and mobility sectors,...
OHB develops and builds ground segment for connecting France to German radar reconnaissance system
24. October 2018 Press Release OHB develops and builds ground segment for connecting France[...] and Kurt Melching have signed on behalf of OHB System AG. The F-SPGS is a ground segment will be connected[...] AG, a subsidiary of the space and technology group OHB SE, today signed a contract with...
OHB subsidiary megatel GmbH renamed OHB Digital Services GmbH
08. February 2018 Press Releases OHB subsidiary megatel GmbH renamed OHB Digital Services GmbH[...] SE, has been renamed OHB Digital Services GmbH. This new name highlights more effectively the company’s core[...] director of OHB Digital Services GmbH. “Within the OHB Group, we are a sought-after...
OHB qualifying medical device MyotonPRO Digital Palpation Device for flight into space
06. February 2018 Press Release OHB qualifying medical device MyotonPRO Digital Palpation[...] space and technology group OHB SE, has qualified the MyotonPRO Digital Palpation Device, a medical[...] ? During the qualification phase, the MyotonPRO Digital Palpation Device underwent extensive...
Next step Gaia-X: OHB companies involved in project for digital transformation of the aerospace industry
in the recently launched project. The aim of COOPERANTS is to accelerate the digitalisation of processes[...] Infosys and OHB Digital Services represent the interests of the space industry and contribute[...] will accelerate the digitalisation of processes in the aeronautics and space industry....
Smart use of satellite data: OHB DIGITAL wins the "Copernicus Demonstrators - Mobility, Emergency and Infrastructures" project funded by EUSPA with EUR 1.7 million
from the Copernicus satellite constellation be used wisely and efficiently? OHB Digital Services GmbH, a subsidiary[...] Dr. Arne Gausepohl, Managing Director of OHB Digital Services. The Copernicus satellite constellation[...] Press Release Smart use of satellite data: OHB DIGITAL wins the...
OHB AG converted into OHB SE
26. March 2015 Ad hoc announcements OHB AG converted into OHB SE Bremen, March 26, 2015. Following[...] 6426 Email: Contact for media representatives: Marianne Radel Head of Corporate[...] the entry in the commercial register, OHB AG has officially adopted the legal structure of a...
#OHBgoesIAC: Home game for OHB at IAC in Bremen
SE will be exhibiting at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Bremen on October 1 - 5. OHB has its own[...] Group companies will be holding more than 50 presentations at IAC, while OHB will be contributing[...] to arrange an appointment, please contact us at . Contact for...
OHB Sweden and OHB Italia awarded Copernicus studies
, the subsidiaries of the space and technology group OHB SE, have been awarded contract two studies on the candidate[...] . OHB Sweden was selected as prime contractor for the "PIST" (Polar Ice and Snow Topography) mission[...] on the possible expansion missions of "Copernicus" were awarded by ESA...
OHB SE: European Commission orders a further four Galileo satellites from OHB System AG
of the Batch 3 satellites under the previous order. Accordingly, OHB System AG has been awarded contracts[...] and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421 2020 6426 Email: Contact for media[...] 05. October 2017 Ad hoc announcements OHB SE: European Commission orders a...