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TwoMinutesOfSpace Part 14: Space debris - Do we need a garbage collection service in space?

09. May 2022 Solar Sailing - Part 7 of #TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick[...] Space pioneers Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick share their knowledge about space. In episode[...] 7, Charlotte Bewick explains how spacecraft can move through space without using...
ESA announces the Zero Debris Charter initiative supported by Airbus Defence and Space, OHB and Thales Alenia Space
22. June 2023 Press Release ESA announces the Zero Debris Charter initiative supported by Airbus[...] Debris Charter initiative,” says ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher. The Zero Debris Charter aims[...] by ESA under its PROTECT Accelerator , the Zero Debris Charter will be co-developed with...
Big science and industry join forces to innovate new space technologies
AG to tackle industry challenges. They join forces to advance the characterisation of aerospace materials[...] in the field of advanced characterisation of aerospace materials and fabrication processes. Together, the two[...] characterisation of aerospace materials and fabrication processes To...
OHB sets an example for diversity in the working world
25. March 2019 Press Release OHB sets an example for diversity in the working world Charter[...] SE, signed the Charter of Diversity in the presence of numerous employees at OHB's Bremen location[...] . By signing the charter, OHB is sending a signal for diversity in the working world. The...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 1: Why OHB is conducting research on geoengineering

The emergence and spread of humankind has already permanently changed the face of the Earth[...] has changed the Earth and will continue to do so in the future – what matters is the direction[...] of the change OHB recently completed a study on the subject of geoengineering and another one is...
How MT Mechatronics is using radio telescopes to help answer the major questions of interest to humanity

and Charlotte Bewick More TwoMinutesOfSpace 23. September 2021 Interplanetary travel routes - Part[...] 3 of #TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick Space pioneers Carsten Borowy and Charlotte[...] Bewick share their knowledge about space. In episode 2, Charlotte...
Germany is a global center for superstition

on gaps in knowledge about climate change and the importance of satellite data for precise weather[...] presenting the weather on his YouTube channel and he runs his own weather website. He is also regularly[...] involved in lively debates with climate change deniers on Twitter. In an interview...
Is there life on Mars?

Interceptor - Part 2 of #TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick[...] 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick Space pioneers Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick share[...] their knowledge about space. In episode 2, Charlotte Bewick talks interplanetery travel routes...
Challenge accomplished: OHB selects winners at INNOspace Masters
02. July 2019 Press Release Challenge accomplished: OHB selects winners at INNOspace Masters[...] Challenge, who was simultaneously also the overall winner: the start-up ESDA-Axiotherm GmbH, led by Dirk[...] and systems. PCM is a phase change material, i.e. a material that can store a high...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 2: Why geoengineering is becoming a topic in climate research

To prevent climate change from crossing certain tipping points, geoengineering may eventually[...] and future climate changes. In an interview with OHB, he explains what influence humans have on the global[...] . Professor Lohmann, does climate change exist? Gerrit Lohmann: It most definitely...