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Viewing results from „11 to 20” of 227 results total
First space conference focusing on climate protection – OHB exhibits at GLOC 2023
protection Oslo / Bremen, 23 May 2023 – The first "Global Space Conference on Climate Change" (GLOC 2023[...] and the various ways in which satellite data can be used to address climate change. Efficient use of space-based[...] use of space-based resources in the fight against climate change and...
Robert Wethmar new Chairman of the Supervisory Board
20. March 2018 Press Releases Robert Wethmar new Chairman of the Supervisory Board Bremerhaven[...] of the Supervisory Board since 2012, will be the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Bremen-based space[...] to nominate Bremen-based businessman and chairman of the Federal Association of...
OHB italia, on behalf of the italian space agency, and ARIANESPACE sign contract to launch PRISMA italian satellite
characteristics of a scene, coupled with the ability to determine the chemical and physical characteristics[...] to sign the PRISMA launch contract as it secures the completion of this challenging flagship project
Together against space debris - OHB signs Zero Debris Charter
Short Notice Together against space debris - OHB signs Zero Debris Charter Berlin/Bremen, 6 June[...] of this initiative, the so-called "Zero Debris Charter" was developed in collaboration with stakeholders[...] . The charter was signed by ESA and twelve European countries – including Germany – at...
OHB participates in latest funding round for constellr
to work towards its goal of ensuring global food security despite the challenges posed by the effects of climate[...] change and the ever-growing world population. To this end, the company plans to launch a constellation[...] and defining additional potential applications for the data obtained....
OHB Sweden signs contracts with Thales Alenia Space for propulsion subsystems on CHIME and ROSE-L
and natural and anthropogenic hazard characterisation. The mission will also contribute to the operational[...] OHB System is responsible for the instrument and OHB Sweden is in charge of the propulsion subsystem[...] Sentinels, which are developed by ESA, feed into the Copernicus Services, which...
OHB’s first hyperspectral satellite preparing for launch into space
the advantages of conventional earth observation by recognizing the geometric characteristics of a landscape[...] with a hyperspectral optical sensor and collecting data for monitoring and predicting environmental changes on our[...] the panchromatic channel). This will enable scientists to...
OHB System AG coordinates ESA project AgriCEM
characteristics of vegetation, and the land surface temperature. The results will then be used to derive[...] of climate change. This poses new challenges for agriculture. Prolonged droughts and storms associated[...] data that can help mitigate the consequences of climate change. For...
OHB awarded ESA contract for the development of a 3D printer prototype for the ISS
, Ambient Pressure Thermal Cycling Chamber, and Thermal Characterization unit. About Athlone Institute[...] characterisation and testing suite, in addition to a dedicated polymer part and tooling design function. Printed[...] and R&D. Sonaca Space GmbH (SSG) now has 600-m² premises in Berlin with...
A visit to OHB: The partners of the “Older employees and the working world” initiative visiting the OHB Space Center “Optics and Science”
employees and the working world” initiative in 2011 together with the Association of Bavarian Chambers[...] of Skilled Crafts, the Bavarian Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce, vbw - Vereinigung der[...] Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., the German chapter of the Federal Association of...