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Viewing results from „11 to 20” of 105 results total
Become a space pioneer by joining European space company OHB

-on, constructive and intensive support for research studies. Interns and work students are integrated in our[...] always been interested in space, the moon and the stars and studied aviation and space engineering[...] Work students and interns: we look forward to welcoming you! Your first “date”...
From the self-made satellite to the OHB team

, it will be launching a work-study program in the field of IT application development for the first time. In addition[...] more 20. September 2019 New female empowerment at OHB Four young women began their work-study program at OHB[...] this year again for the fifth time. From September 17 to 21,...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 1: Why OHB is conducting research on geoengineering

of the change OHB recently completed a study on the subject of geoengineering and another one is already[...] to conduct a study on geoengineering? Tomas Hamann: In February 2019, OHB hosted an in-house innovation forum[...] a classic literature study. We read all the scientific papers we could...
Pioneers of space: the new path to space

session at a handcraft company. When it came to deciding what I wanted to study, I came across the course[...] in aviation and space technology in Stuttgart, where I commenced my studies. During my studies, I completed[...] and allowed me to apply my practical skills. I found this so interesting...
Management Board

the CEO of OHB SE since 2000 and since 2024 Member of the Supervisory Board of OHB System AG. He studied[...] 2015. Hofmann studied business administration at the University of Munich. He then worked as a research[...] as a lawyer at the law firms Jones and White & Case LLP in Frankfurt. She...
OHB facilitating astronomical research

that studies the laws of the stars") is a natural science that studies celestial bodies, interstellar matter[...] , but also gas and dust clouds. Cosmology is a branch of astronomy that studies the formation and development[...] of the overall systems. Further examples of exploration missions...
We.OHB. Part 8: Our work is a bit like reading a glass ball.

on a study on the new mobile communications standard. In the latest part of our We.OHB. #weohbwednesday[...] , we are participating in studies dealing with this vision of the future of telecommunications. In addition[...] and leadership skills coupled with intercultural understanding. I studied...
Destination Venus part 5: Why a mission to Venus helps us to deepen our knowledge about Earth

range. Obviously, other substances that could play the same role as water have also already been studied[...] to study Venus. Our sister planet and each phase of its development provide us with information about our[...] Ehrenfreund studied astronomy and biology at the University of Vienna. She...
Supervisory Board

. Born in 1961, Robert Wethmar studied law at the University of Hamburg, graduating in 1988[...] . Claire Wellby, born in 1988, studied at the ESCP Business School in Paris. Ms. Wellby began her[...] Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) Dr. Hans Königsmann, born in 1963, studied aerospace...
Destination Venus part 4: What could a mission to Venus look like?

Janovsky, head of pre-development at OHB and an expert in space systems studies, considers a mission[...] around Venus on April 11, 2006, studying the planet’s atmosphere until the end of November 2014[...] . Dr. Rolf Janovsky, head of pre-development at OHB and an expert in space systems studies,...