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Viewing results from „131 to 140” of 669 results total
Smaller, lighter, cheaper
for its proven expertise in the field of micro-satellites.” “In today's rapid evolution of the space market, ESA[...] will be developed and prototypes built during Phase 2. The maiden flight of a Triton-X satellite platform[...] completion of the SmallGEO satellite platform in the 3-ton class, I...
Milestone for OHB: SAR-Lupe radar reconnaissance system in operation for 10 years
own satellite-based reconnaissance system. It has been operating reliably around the clock[...] to lead-manage a satellite program as the principal contractor. The company developed and built[...] the satellite system and is responsible for operating it in conjunction with the German federal...
OHB subsidiary OHB Digital Connect signs contract for operation of Heinrich Hertz mission
-Hertz will receive data from other satellites within its radio range and then forward it to the ground[...] and testing of the satellite. The ground segment is under the responsibility of OHB Digital connect[...] for operating the system are also being supplied by OHB. "After separating the satel...
OHB at the Paris Air Show 2017
a comprehensive impression of the OHB Group’s range such as models of the Galileo FOC satellite, the full gamut[...] satellite series. This will of course be supplemented with exciting topics from the Aerospace and Industrial[...] . These particularly include low-orbiting and geostationary satelli...
OHB Venture Capital and LuxSpace establishing company in Luxembourg to enable sustainable life in space
-how in the fields of space system engineering, micro satellite manufacturing, satellite simulator[...] software development, communication subsystems for geostationary satellites and space based service application[...] development. LuxSpace is also acknowledged as a leading European partner in...
Belgium and LaRa on their way to Mars
ground control stations for the reception of data from observation satellites and for the control[...] and commercial space applications worldwide. Antwerp Space develops systems and satellite equipment, satellite[...] of spacecrafts, as well as test systems used during the integration of satelli...
OHB SE discloses 9M interim report 2017
OHB System AG a contract for the assembly of a further eight Galileo navigation satellites for around[...] to OHB System AG on November 8 for the installation of a satellite system for global electro-optical[...] satellites Federal Republic of Germany awarded a contract for electro-optical...
Germany's new Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy, Dr. Anna Christmann, visits MT Aerospace AG in Augsburg
and satellites and develops and manufactures groundbreaking products, including large load-bearing structures[...] partner for CFRP components (such as tanks for satellites and aircraft) and in additive manufacturing[...] in the field of space transport, satellites and aircraft equipment has...
Rocket Factory Augsburg signs further launch contracts
Apollo Capital Partners, is currently developing a launcher system called RFA One for small satellites[...] segment OHB DIGITAL, as well as LuxSpace, the group’s Luxembourg-based satellite manufacturer, both signed[...] experience in launching satellites manufactured by the OHB group for its...
OHB Czechspace s.r.o. commencing business operations in the Czech Republic
of structural subsystems and was in charge of the Heinrich Hertz and SARah satellite projects. Wyen ranked among[...] Republic with our satellite expertise in addition to our contribution to Ariane 6 production[...] at its Brno site, initially concentrating on structural analysis and design...