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Viewing results from „21 to 30” of 386 results total
OHB supporting ESA BIC Challenge at the INNOspace Masters — Start-ups awarded
08. February 2018 Press Releases OHB supporting ESA BIC Challenge at the INNOspace Masters — Start[...] ” project in the ESA BIC Challenge supported by OHB. The ESA BIC Challenge is searching for business ideas[...] . This was the second time that OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005936124)...
OHB awarded ESA contract for Dream Chaser Spacecraft study
05. December 2018 Press Release OHB awarded ESA contract for Dream Chaser® Spacecraft study[...] The space utility vehicle is designed for transporting cargo to low-Earth orbit Dream Chaser on orbit. © SNC[...] to use Sierra Nevada Corporation’s (SNC) Dream Chaser spacecraft as a...
Space Encounter: I am convinced that with KKR we have found the ideal partner to bring us a big step forward on our way becoming the European Space Champion

industry has always been characterized by enormous capital requirements. Space is the technology[...] Space Champion" 7 August 2023. In Europe, we have been dealing for quite some time with the question[...] adversary, the requirements for military space infrastructure have also changed...
Space company OHB has won a €280 million contract to develop two new ESA Earth Explorer science and research satellites
community want to observe? For the oceans, Harmony will enable the characterization and quantification[...] action to tackle climate change Contract signature event at the IAC in Milan: Rüdiger Schönfeld, Board[...] will provide valuable data to the scientific community to better understand our...
Muscle work in space: Training plan à la OHB for Alexander Gerst

a vibration in the skin which the device detects as a basis for evaluating the muscle characteristics[...] is under the coordination of Prof Dr Dieter Blottner from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and sponsored by ESA and DLR[...] at the Toulouse Space Center. A benefit for humanity On...
PLATO: OHB reaching for the stars
such as these: How do planets arise? How do they change over time? Is our solar system unique? What characteristics[...] to characterize more precisely the star in question and to determine its age.” How PLATO will be detecting unknown[...] of discovering exoplanets, but also the means to charact...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 3: What is geoengineering?

are there? And is geoengineering the solution to climate change? Climate change exists and humans are causing it – there has been[...] more and more obvious. On the current path, climate change is heading towards a point where it is no longer enough[...] to the Earth". The Intergovernmental Panel...
The Dream Chaser® for European Utilization Program Takes Flight with Memorandum of Understanding
07. February 2018 Press Releases The Dream Chaser® for European Utilization Program Takes Flight[...] with Memorandum of Understanding The Dream Chaser® for European Utilization (DC4EU) program kicked off its pilot[...] -Earth Orbit (LEO) via the Dream Chaser space utility vehicle (SUV). “The...
ESA’s PLATO observatory: OHB System AG readies for integration of 26 cameras
: “It is amazing to see how our dream of a telescope able to detect and characterise Earth-like planets around[...] of research work. The observations enable a more precise characterisation of stars outside our solar system[...] the possibility to find exoplanets with characteristics similar to...
First space conference focusing on climate protection – OHB exhibits at GLOC 2023
protection Oslo / Bremen, 23 May 2023 – The first "Global Space Conference on Climate Change" (GLOC 2023[...] and the various ways in which satellite data can be used to address climate change. Efficient use of space-based[...] use of space-based resources in the fight against climate change and...