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Viewing results from „21 to 30” of 227 results total
INNOspace Masters: The winners of the OHB Challenge have been announced
04. June 2018 Press Release INNOspace Masters: The winners of the OHB Challenge have been[...] of the OHB Challenge: Mathijs Martens and Gerben Stouten from the OPE Group in the Netherlands[...] Business Incubation Centers in Bavaria and Darmstadt. For the first time: Own challenge of OHB This...
OHB establishes geoengineering network
on climate change and geoengineering, the objectives of the consortium also include the exchange and open[...] change exists and poses a threat, efforts to reduce climate-damaging emissions are making only slow[...] consequences of climate change, various technical methods have been proposed in...
OHB selected by MDA Space as part of MDA AURORA supply chain
Short Notice OHB selected by MDA Space as part of MDA AURORA TM supply chain Bremen, February[...] of the company’s supply chain for MDA AURORA TM , a game-changing product line driving the transition from analog[...] software and the operational simulator for MDA AURORA TM . The MDA AURORA TM...
OHB and ESA seal PLATO scientific mission
answers to questions such as: What characteristics do earth-like planets have in the habitable zone[...] researchers will use as a basis for characterizing the host star and determining its age with greater[...] of stars? How do they arise and change over time? Is our solar system unique? Could...
OHB Earth Observation Satellite EnMAP to be launched in April 2022
change and environmental destruction and provide valuable action pointers for countermeasures. “We have[...] protection, and will help to develop solutions for the key challenges of our time." “EnMAp has technological[...] has 3 colour channels, EnMAP, on the other hand, has more than 220 colour ...
Using satellite data for more green in our cities to tackle climate change
change OHB coordinates the "Urban Green View" project sponsored by ESA Concentrated digital power[...] to tackle climate change better. For this, the space experts are contributing their combined digital[...] in the city? "The project is a wonderful challenge for us. Above all, it is exciting to...
OHB and ESA signed a contract for the third Copernicus CO2M-Satellite
forward in the fight against climate change Artist's impression of a CO2M satellite: Three[...] programme Copernicus aims to specifically monitor how much climate-changing carbon dioxide is released[...] the European Commission and ESA are contributing to the fight against climate change.”...
Asteroid Day is Ready to Rock Around the Clock
, schools, theaters, libraries, civic, government halls and town squares. Most events are free of charge[...] Science Center and Planetarium, June 27. Science Channel’s Meteorite Man Geoff Notkin will host[...] . Debbie Lewis, Deputy Chair of the Asteroid Day expert panel and a specialist in risk,...
OHB joins forces with start-up Searoutes
characteristics, weather patterns and currents) to forecast the carbon footprint of a container transported via[...] insights into the carbon footprint of freight transport as a first step towards decarbonising supply chains[...] happy to work together with Searoutes to decarbonise supply chains....
OHB coordinates CityCLIM project
platform to enable metropolitan regions to adapt to changing climate conditions Bremen, 17 November 2021[...] . Europe's metropolitan areas are increasingly suffering from the effects of climate change. Prolonged heat[...] coordinator. Heat waves are a major problem for densely populated areas As...