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Viewing results from „21 to 30” of 200 results total
Dusty business: Why lunar dust poses a special challenge
, in a 2005 study, ranked dust as the biggest challenge for future lunar missions . The dust can get[...] , ESA has just commissioned a study. It is called DEAR - Dusty Environment Application Research[...] and Belgium. The aim of the study is to find ways to remove dust deposits on optical...
OHB wins ESA contract for a study to implement radar-based Earth observation from geosynchronous orbit
12. November 2019 Press Release OHB wins ESA contract for a study to implement radar-based Earth[...] SE, has been selected by the European Space Agency ESA as prime contractor for a feasibility study concerning[...] rainfall and associated flooding at an earlier stage. The Phase 0 study has an...
Become a space pioneer by joining European space company OHB
-on, constructive and intensive support for research studies. Interns and work students are integrated in our[...] always been interested in space, the moon and the stars and studied aviation and space engineering[...] Work students and interns: we look forward to welcoming you! Your first “date”...
From the self-made satellite to the OHB team
, it will be launching a work-study program in the field of IT application development for the first time. In addition[...] more 20. September 2019 New female empowerment at OHB Four young women began their work-study program at OHB[...] this year again for the fifth time. From September 17 to 21,...
OHB signs contract for study to develop reconnaissance capabilities at European level
Press Release OHB signs contract for study to develop reconnaissance capabilities at European[...] Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) to conduct a study to examine the technological and programmatic framework[...] of institutional users from the civilian sector within the EU. The study now awarded to...
OHB awarded ESA contract for Dream Chaser Spacecraft study
05. December 2018 Press Release OHB awarded ESA contract for Dream Chaser® Spacecraft study[...] a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) for a study to analyse the feasibility and opportunities[...] ) platform for European missions in low-Earth orbit (LEO). The study has an order value of...
Using satellite data for more green in our cities to tackle climate change
. Together with the cities of Essen, Bochum and Dortmund, a study will investigate how satellite data[...] . Recent studies clearly show that greenery in the city is one of the best measures against heat stress[...] , the feasibility study aims to focus on services based on satellite data such as...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 1: Why OHB is conducting research on geoengineering
of the change OHB recently completed a study on the subject of geoengineering and another one is already[...] to conduct a study on geoengineering? Tomas Hamann: In February 2019, OHB hosted an in-house innovation forum[...] a classic literature study. We read all the scientific papers we could...
Lessons with an astronaut
space company OHB SE. Around 40 students in grades 6 to 10 from the school’s STEM profile got[...] , OHB has active engineers teach class to provide the students with content originating from practical[...] experience. This strategy is designed to arouse the students' interest in the aerospace...
OHB Digital Connect deepens AI and image processing expertise in concept study for the German Armed Forces
Short Notice OHB Digital Connect deepens AI and image processing expertise in concept study[...] assessment using (partially) automated processes. The concept study focuses on the use of modern methods[...] the study as the prime contractor. The main focus of the project is the work package on...