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OHB SE discloses 9-month interim report 2022
) for this segment changed from EUR 14.3 million in the same period of the previous year to EUR 8.3 million, while
MT Aerospace AG commissioned to deliver Tank Systems for European Mars-Mission ERO
accumulated over many years to this highly challenging mission," says Hans Steininger, CEO of MT Aerospace
All systems go! EnMAP launch date confirmed by SpaceX
change.” “With the launch of EnMAP, Germany is making an exceptionally important contribution
MT Aerospace and ArianeGroup sign prototype development contract for optimized Ariane 6 upper stage
temperature range without an additional barrier layer is a major challenge, the engineers entrusted
OHB with a successful launch into a geostationary orbit
in thermal/vakuum chamber at IABG after successful completion of tests Contact for media representatives
Fly me to the Moon!
to as the Manfred Moon Memorial Mission (4M), and was launched as a piggyback payload on the Chinese Chang’e
MT Aerospace signs 35 million euro contract with ArianeGroup for the development of the PHOEBUS technology demonstrator
time and again that we are competitive and can turn European launchers into sustainable space champions