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EASI-STRESS: Non-destructive analysis of residual stress in components

and SARah satellite reconnaissance systems Read more Pia Bausch Career 07. December 2023 Out of the comfort[...] connections Read more Career 26. August 2024 PhD at OHB: Detecting pipeline leaks with satellite data[...] and the German industry in the project consortium. In this interview, project...
OHB Italia and ESA sign contract for Comet Interceptor mission
its position and trajectory. About OHB Italia OHB Italia S.p.A. is one of the two major satellite systems[...] Sweden is developing the propulsion system and the so-called AOGNC system with which the probe controls[...] of more than four decades make OHB Italia S.p.A. a national leader in the...
MT Aerospace AG defining standards for 3D printing in the space sector
," explains Luis Escudero, who is Core FLPP*) Manager in the Space Transportation Systems Directorate at ESA[...] for the European launcher Ariane, the Airbus aircraft fleet, spacecraft and satellites. MT Aerospace[...] for many years. What sets the company apart is the very high proportion of...
Space Encounter: Despite the Corona pandemic: 5 reasons why space industry will continue to gain importance in 2021

of the European navigation system Galileo. The fleet of satellites in the European Copernicus earth observation[...] initiated the award of a contract for a feasibility study for a third major European satellite programme[...] and environmental parameters via satellites. The pressure to have this...
METASAT project successfully completed
to continue growing in the future. At the same time, the satellites that provide this data are becoming[...] in Satellites) under the umbrella of the European Commission's Horizon Europe program. After a duration of two[...] satellites. For more details about the METASAT project and its...
OHB technology to protect our planet: Asteroid probe Hera is fit for space
space. These shoebox-sized mini-satellites, 'Juventas' and 'Milani', will contribute[...] is to be launched into space on a SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket to make its way to a double asteroid system. The launch[...] of the mission is eagerly awaited by the international planetary defence community. OHB S...
New type of propulsion system for SmallGEO “Electra” variant
propulsion system for the satellite. SmallGEO platform “Electra” with fully electric propulsion[...] Systems) program. The satellite also complies with ESA’s clean space policy. At the core of the new[...] satellites. Key components sourced from the OHB Group For OHB, the contract awarded to its...
Space Encounter: Space missions are a question of existence for humanity

of this mission is to use a satellite developed and built by OHB from 2026 onwards to search for exoplanets[...] satellites to a speed of one fifth of the speed of light. This would allow them to reach the nearest star[...] stamp, were launched into space on board our Max Valier science satellite...
The Baltic Sea region goes green: OHB Digital Connect coordinates Baltic GTIF project
those provided by the Copernicus satellites, into practical and easily accessible information," explains[...] OHB Project Manager Daro Krummrich. "This information will then be used to drive forward the green[...] urban development, agricultural carbon balances, resilient food systems and...
Graduates and professionals

. This is key to achieving high performances for complex space instruments and satellites. Samuel Senese[...] line but are sophisticated systems that incorporate the know-how and creativity of many clever minds[...] we overcome technical challenges to help mankind advance further into the solar sy...