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Viewing results from „31 to 40” of 175 results total
Happy Birthday ISS: OHB celebrates 20 years of International Space Station
We.OHB - Part 3: The current growth perspective of OHB offers us great opportunities

10. October 2024 Educate, Entertain & Inspire: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections Read[...] to it.” To protect your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider has been blocked. Click[...] from OHB technology. Read more Career 09. November 2021 OHB Digital...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 4: How TU Delft contributes to the geoengineering consortium established by OHB

forward. How did you become part of the consortium? Tomas Hamann , the project manager at OHB, approached[...] are set from within the consortium, with OHB acting as the customer. For the duration of the project[...] are. Do your students also stay in contact with the geoengineering team at OHB?...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 5: How OHB has been working on the subject of geoengineering in 2021

. And we need those facts to make informed decisions. What is the future role of OHB within the consortium[...] ? I think OHB coordinating the consortium activities has worked very well for all parties involved. Besides[...] to avoid dangerous tipping points OHB has been working on the topic of...
Destination Venus Part 7: How OHB intends to bring scientific instruments into the atmosphere of Venus

-terrestrial life. OHB's CEO Marco Fuchs was has been convinced since long before phosphine was discovered[...] are technically challenging. To counter heat and pressure, both NASA and OHB are working on concepts based[...] change this. © JAXA #DestinationVenus Exploration 16. September 2020 How O...
From the school desk to the clean room: How physical/technical assistants qualify for a job at OHB
20-meter moonwalk: How the “Lunar Explorers” photographic work of art by Michael Najjar found its way to OHB

on board. We re-established contact after “lunar explorers” was completed in 2019. As a result, OHB[...] The "lunar explorers" photo collage at OHB in Bremen. © Michael Najjar Company[...] its way to OHB Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are collecting lunar rocks. Their massive spacesuits
How OHB wants to arouse young people’s interest in a technical job in the space industry with an exciting career experience program

All that matters is that it's up high! Tim Seidel, who works part-time at OHB, is passionate[...] OHB wants to arouse young people’s interest in a technical job in the space industry with an exciting[...] . This is a situation that many school students have surely experienced in the past. And...
Space Encounter: Germany's Internet gaps hamper innovation and damage prosperity

"digitalisation" has been haunting social and political debates for decades. In recent years, it has been possible[...] a final farewell to the analogue age. Pandemic drives digitalisation Even though a complete switch[...] Factories. The digitalisation of the economy also enjoys high priority in...

AG Augsburg, Germany Fon +49 (0) 821 99957625 DIGITAL OHB Digital Connect GmbH Bremen, Germany[...] OHB Digital Services GmbH Bremen, Germany Fon +49 (0) 421 22095-0 Fax +49 (0) 421 22095-16 OHB[...] del Mar, Chile OHB Digital Solutions GmbH Graz, Austria GEOSYSTEMS GmbH...