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Viewing results from „31 to 40” of 136 results total
How small satellites made in Bremen could be used to detect methane sources

– climate change is presenting society with ever greater challenges. Scientists have agreed for decades[...] gas emissions are mentioned in the context of climate change, most people immediately think of carbon dioxide[...] change is not solely on reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. Reduction...
Obituary for Ulrich Schulz

Fuchs used the waiting time to sketch OHB's first organisational chart. In this chart, Uli rose[...] , otherwise I had no idea about shipbuilding." These were precisely the challenges that Uli was looking[...] and services for the industry. His down-to-earth nature never changed as he rose through...
The coronavirus crisis will render the world more digital

and respect! Great challenges Call to the good in people "Every crisis," wrote the Austrian writer Stefan[...] challenge. I am amazed at how naturally entire organizations are suddenly being kept in operation[...] from kitchens, living rooms and private offices. I am pleased to see that great cha...
Space Encounter: Mars is not our rescue ship

change: "Mars is not our rescue ship" August 27, 2021. Svenja Schulze, the German Federal Minister[...] the links between politics, science and business in the fight against climate change. The models of climate[...] to understanding the Earth system as a whole. Climate change is man-made The...
Small but powerful: Microsatellite ESAIL gets ready for launch

. Microsatellites are intended to fill a specific market niche that is characterised by affordable and agile access[...] Miguel Ordoñez Labrador from OHB subsidiary LuxSpace talks about the challenges of the project[...] part of the value-added chain in the microsatellite market. For me, LxS...
Sparkling clean!

such as polyester. However, since synthetic fabrics tend to become electrostatically charged, clean room garments[...] can be damaged by uncontrolled discharges. In order to maintain the protection against static charge[...] deposits. Moreover, it must protect the user against electrostatic charg...
Space Encounter: A satellite from Germany launches a new era in Earth observation

climate change, science and politics will very soon have a new weapon at their disposal: the German[...] for Economic Affairs and Energy and OHB will primarily focus on climate change and its impact on all ecosystems[...] to record a larger wavelength range, far beyond visible light, with multi-c...
Space debris: Earth’s orbit is getting cluttered

more of this dangerous space debris? We asked Dr Charlotte Bewick from the OHB Space Debris Center of Competence[...] . Dr Bewick, what exactly is space debris? Dr Charlotte Bewick: Space debris consists of the remnants of human[...] companies on the Zero Debris Charter. This is intended to define...
"Spaceflight in Europe has always been different from spaceflight in America"

? He was a very individual character. He had a clear vision of his company and of space. I always found him[...] . How much did it help Space X that the early years of the company coincided with NASA changing[...] , at least not in recent years. Therefore, the framework conditions would have to chan...
#DestinationVenus Part 9: What insights can we expect from the new Venus missions?

3 of #TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick Space pioneers Carsten Borowy and Charlotte[...] Bewick share their knowledge about space. In episode 2, Charlotte Bewick talks interplanetery travel[...] , the International Space Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland. And...