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Viewing results from „31 to 40” of 227 results total
Successfully passed: First important test for OHB's EDRS-C satellite
the engineers like to refer to as the “thermal/vacuum test”, was conducted in a large chamber at the IABG space[...] of 6 meters, the chamber has been specifically designed for such strain. The EDRS-C satellite, which[...] has a height of just under 4 meters, rests on a swiveling fixture...
OHB’s first hyperspectral satellite arrived in orbit
characteristics of a landscape but is additionally able to determine the chemical and physical properties[...] data for monitoring and predicting environmental changes on our planet. Launched from the Kourou
RFA engine reaches next milestone
combustion technology is characterized by higher efficiency and performance compared to conventional open[...] combustion chamber, avoiding the release of unburned propellant. Recycling the exhaust gases significantly
Instrument for German environmental satellite EnMAP performing well in test campaign
as well as the entire satellite and is also in charge of launching the satellite. Why hyperspectral[...] of and changes in ecological systems on land and water using new types of global data sets. The purpose[...] to provide scientists with a global view of the Earth as a system to collect...
Basic research in space: Getting to the bottom of complex plasmas
are charged, i.e. electrically conductive gases. In space, more than 99 percent of all visible matter (stars[...] charged microparticles reveals a wealth of interesting phenomena. 2. The microparticles are evenly[...] ) in microparticle clouds. It is looking at self-organizing effects such as chai...
OHB supplies payloads for constellr's water monitoring system
with a payload developed by OHB is planned for 2024. Water is getting scarce Due to climate change, water[...] forward to the technical challenge: "We are determined to realise the optical payloads in time to support[...] security in times of climate change. Based on a proprietary space...
Reduced production of the Ariane 6: European launcher industry in distress MT Aerospace AG in Augsburg massively affected
of the IG Metall trade union, which was also attended by MT works council chairman Markus Zerle, Steininger left[...] then, however, the international space transport market has changed radically, with demand for commercial[...] , it is impossible to say how Ariane 6 will fare in competition in...
Management Board and Supervisory Board of OHB SE recommend accepting the voluntary public takeover offer by KKR
statements, such statements do not represent facts and are characterized by the words “will”, “expect[...] 15, 2023, will be available free of charge at OHB SE, Investor Relations, Manfred-Fuchs-Platz 2-4, 28359[...] , chairman of the Supervisory Board of OHB, added: “After careful and thorough...
OHB now also with a key role in the second ExoMars mission
equipment and mathematical simulation models for the carrier. For its part, OHB will be in charge of a core[...] UK (in charge of the propulsion system). The carrier flight model is to be shipped to Thales Alenia Space
OHB supplies instrument for ESA's ninth "Earth Explorer" mission
to grasp and understand the Earth as a system. Particularly in the context of climate change[...] and the resulting challenges for humanity, it is important to collect comprehensive and reliable data in order[...] to document the changes that have already occurred in our environment and to be...