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Viewing results from „301 to 310” of 386 results total
Multi-dimensional reconnaissance: OHB Digital Connect realises technology demonstrator for the German Armed Forces
, meaningful data product and comprehensive situational images are available more quickly. "The challenge
5 Questions and Answers about the MTG - Meteosat Third Generation weather satellite programme

channels, i.e. the colours of the images, the precision of the resolution and the coverage
MT Mechatronics awarded contract for the construction of a 40-meter radio telescope in Thailand
of products and services encompasses the entire supply chain from design to development, manufacturing, system
International Astronautical Congress will take place in Bremen in 2018
and Germany. For OHB, the IAC is a big chance to show the whole range of the OHB Group: “Our group shows
OHB awarded ESA contract for the development of 3D-printed satellite components and instruments
that of the spacecraft. Building the supply chain for 3D printing OHB has been exploring this technology for more than
And the winner is ...
with the Bremen-based brand agency moskito. The campaign was bilingual and was broadcast via several channels
OHB receives Top Employer 2020 award
Buchbauer and Ramona Stockinger from OHB's Change Management and HR teams. © OHB Contact for media
OHB and ESA sign contract for Copernicus atmospheric CO2 monitoring mission
activities. Although measurements on the ground have so far made it possible to track general changes
OHB at the Space Tech Expo in Bremen: Space technology for the sake of humanity and the protection of our planet
observation to tackle climate change, increased security thanks to satellite reconnaissance systems, secure
Development of climate and weather services specifically for cities: CityCLIM project successfully completed
services that can help cities to better deal with the consequences of climate change and specifically urban