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European space and digital players to study build of EU’s satellite-based connectivity system
Phone: +49 421 2020 6426 Email: Brussels, 23 December 2020. The European Commission[...] 23. December 2020 Press Release European space and digital players to study build of EU’s[...] Email: Contact for investors and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations
TEXUS-55 marks successful completion of the double campaign
missions over the last four decades, OHB once again proved to be a skilled and reliable partner to DLR[...] scientific experiments and for technology testing under space-like conditions. Once again, OHB System[...] AG, a subsidiary of listed space and technology group OHB SE, played a crucial...
MT Aerospace and ArianeGroup sign development contracts with ESA for enhanced Ariane 6 composite upper stage technologies
AG, an affiliate of the listed OHB SE space and technology group and with ArianeGroup, lead contractor for Ariane[...] (Innovative Carbon Ariane Upper Stage). Decisions regarding preliminary funding for pre-development[...] of this carbon- fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) upper stage will be decid...
MT Aerospace, ESA and CNES intend to reduce Ariane launch greenhouse gas emissions
AG (a subsidiary of OHB SE) and a group of European industrial and academic partners joined forces to cut[...] mobility built up over decades to help shape a more sustainable future - socially, ecologically[...] and CNES accelerate decarbonisation of rocket launches Teddy Peponnet, ESA’s European...
MTU Aero Engines and MT Aerospace develop fuel system for liquid hydrogen
decades of expertise with hydrogen in the aerospace sector, and now we want to apply it to commercial[...] group OHB SE, is an aerospace company with around 600 employees at its sites in Augsburg, Bremen, Czech[...] leader in lightweight metal and composite structures and has decades of...
Capital Market Day 2024
in December Bremen, January 17, 2024. At today's Capital Market Day 2024, the space and technology Group OHB[...] forecasted in the coming years • OHB SE presents new governance structure: Executive[...] , OHB confirms the outlook from the 9-month interim report dated November 9, 2023. Total...
Capital Market Day 2024
shares. As a result, OHB SE received around EUR 77 million in December 2023. The second element[...] years OHB SE presents new governance structure: Executive Committee reorganized Capital increase[...] of 10 % with new minority investor KKR completed in December Bremen, January 17, 2024. At...
Smaller, lighter, cheaper
08. February 2018 Press Releases Smaller, lighter, cheaper OHB developing microsatellites for new[...] space market Space technology company OHB SE is widening its range of products with the addition[...] of a new platform for microsatellites. Accordingly, LuxSpace Sarl, OHB’s Luxembourg-based...
Hyperspectral satellite EnMAP ready for orbit
its journey towards the launch site in the spring. © OHB Oberpfaffenhofen, December 17, 2021. The EnMAP[...] 17. December 2021 Press Release Hyperspectral satellite EnMAP ready for orbit Test campaign[...] functional tests at OHB's headquarters in Bremen today. From Bremen, the satellite...
Total revenues increased to EUR 354 million (+12%)
Bremen, August 10, 2017. The OHB Group’s total revenues (Prime Standard, ISIN: DE0005936124) came[...] ), the OHB Group recorded higher consolidated net profit for the period of EUR 12.1 million (previous year[...] in the previous year. Of this, OHB System AG accounted for EUR 1,633 million or...