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constellr awarded multi-million contract by European Commission and European Space Agency
a VTIR sensor (thermal infrared) with four recording channels with a VNIR sensor (visible and near[...] , constellr is dedicated to supporting global food security in times of climate change. Based on a proprietary[...] provides the fundamental global data for smart crop monitoring, identifying ch...
Main shareholders of OHB SE establish family foundation to preserve the Company's ownership profile
shares, which are pooled under a voting agreement, has not changed as a result of this step: The Fuchs[...] Mayrhofer. As a result of the transfer of the shares to the foundation, there have been no changes[...] : As Chairman of the Family Foundation, Marco Fuchs continues to control the OHB...
OHB proceeds with consolidation phase for ESA’s Asteroid Impact Mission
OHB’s CEO Marco Fuchs. The purpose of the mission is to investigate and characterize a distant binary[...] definition work - ahead of ESAs final decision of actually implementing the mission. The greatest challenge
The Baltic Sea region goes green: OHB Digital Connect coordinates Baltic GTIF project
2024 – Climate change is leaving its mark – especially in the Baltic Sea region, profound changes can[...] trend, putting ecosystems and the health of the population at risk. To tackle this challenge[...] as for the general public to deepen their understanding of climate change," explains OHB...
Detecting extreme weather events earlier than ever before: OHB celebrates successful mating of the MTG sounder satellite
. He states that he is very proud that his teams have mastered this technical challenge and that OHB is able[...] , passed all tests with flying colours - as if it were already in space. A challenging time for MTG project[...] manager Ian Bennett and his teams: "The biggest challenge was the tight...
OHB SE's annual general meeting approves dividend increase of 25 % / Changes in the company's corporate bodies
of 25 % / Changes in the company's corporate bodies Bremen, May 25, 2023. At today's annual general meeting[...] immediately after the Annual General Meeting, he was elected Deputy Chairman of this body. The Supervisory[...] in Bremen Huchting with the chairman of the meeting Robert Wethmar and...
OHB and IAI Team in Proposing Lunar Surface Access Service to the European Space Agency
, chairperson of the Executive Board of the German Space Agency DLR, Avi Blasberger, director general[...] , however, is still a challenge. At OHB we have carried out several technology studies on landing, using[...] to bringing the OHB expertise into cooperation with IAI and to jointly tackling...
OHB celebrates successful launch of the first Arctic Weather Satellite
Weather Satellite (AWS) Better weather forecasts for one of the regions most affected by climate change[...] is collecting data in one of the regions of our planet that is most severely affected by climate change. ©OHB[...] the Arctic and thus collect important data to tackle climate change. On...
OHB Consolidated Financial Statements 2020
901 million (previous year: EUR 1,030 million), while sales changed to EUR 880 million (previous year[...] : EUR 1,005 million). Both key figures were affected by pandemic-related delays in the supply chain, i.e[...] year: EUR 25.5 million), earnings per share thus changed to EUR 1.20 (diluted and...
OHB SE expands Board of Directors with Daniela Schmidt
-oriented corporate management. As a family business, we are fundamentally characterized by making decisions