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Viewing results from „421 to 430” of 447 results total
Dividend of € 0.40 per share approved for 2016 by the annual general meeting
Email: Contact for media representatives: Marianne Radel Head of Corporate[...] meeting Bremen, May 16, 2017. The shareholders of the OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005936124[...] Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email:
MT Aerospace and ArianeGroup sign development contracts with ESA for enhanced Ariane 6 composite upper stage technologies
AG, an affiliate of the listed OHB SE space and technology group and with ArianeGroup, lead contractor for Ariane[...] of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors[...] and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421 2020...
Rocket Factory Augsburg secures launch site in Andøya, Norway
Radel Head of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact[...] with the most cost-effective production techniques possible, is essentially new to Europe. With OHB's support[...] for investors and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421...
MTU Aero Engines and MT Aerospace develop fuel system for liquid hydrogen
, we have been connected not just by a successful partnership, but also by a shared vision of zero-emission[...] of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors[...] group OHB SE, is an aerospace company with around 600 employees at its sites...
Industry-University Education MoU – Press release material
: Contact for investors and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421[...] of Eurospace: Airbus Defence & Space, Arianegroup, Avio, OHB, RUAG Space, Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space[...] 2020 6426 Email: New articles from our magazine
ESA Council decides: Member States to support Ariane 6 production
Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors and analysts[...] Without financial support, OHB subsidiary MT Aerospace faces a massive loss of jobs Augsburg, October 30, 2020. Hans[...] : Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421 2020 6426 Email:...
MT Aerospace AG expands Management Board
Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors and analysts: Marcel[...] MT Aerospace AG, a member of the listed high-technology group OHB SE, has appointed Bernd Beschorner[...] Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421 2020 6426 Email:
Boeing and MT Aerospace expand transatlantic cooperation
of OHB SE, have signed a further contract to supply structural components for NASA's Space Launch System[...] Head of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact[...] for investors and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421 2020 6426...
MT Aerospace, ESA and CNES intend to reduce Ariane launch greenhouse gas emissions
2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor[...] AG (a subsidiary of OHB SE) and a group of European industrial and academic partners joined forces to cut[...] Relations Phone: +49 421 2020 6426 Email: Logo HYGUANE - © HYGUANE
MT Aerospace AG defining standards for 3D printing in the space sector
MT Aerospace AG, a member of the high-tech group OHB SE, a contract to set technical standards for additive[...] of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors[...] and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor Relations Phone: +49 421 2020 6426...