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OHB SE: OHB System AG signed a contract worth EUR 310.5 million with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for the project Heinrich Hertz
AG unterzeichnen Vertrag für Bau, Test und Start des Satelliten Deutsche Satellitenkommunikations-Mission "Heinrich[...] of OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005936124), signed a contract for the national satellite mission[...] satellite will also carry an operational communication payload for the...
OHB proceeds with consolidation phase for ESA’s Asteroid Impact Mission
Mission OHB System AG, subsidiary of listed technology and space group OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN[...] to perform autonomous visual detection to manoeuver around the Didymos system, employing only a limited[...] and navigation form a crucial part of the mission design,” explains OHB project man...
OHB SE's 3-month results for 2021 in line with expectations
). At EUR 151.7 million, the unconsolidated total revenues of the SPACE SYSTEMS segment were above the level[...] 2021, up from EUR 2,632 million as of December 31, 2020, of which OHB System AG accounted for almost[...] on 31 December 2020. The Management Board issued the following guidance for...
MTG Meteosat Third Generation: Taking a precise look at the atmosphere
instruments or satellites. Rupert Feckl, project manager for MTG instruments at OHB. © OHB [...] and then contract, which would be deadly for finely adjusted optical devices. And so the satellite’s thermal budget[...] Meteosat Third Generation - One of the most complex development programs of sat...
OHB Italia contributing to exploration of Mercury: SERENA instrument launched on-board BepiColombo
of the mission,” said Fabio Tominetti, project manager at OHB Italia. OHB System AG is also "on board[...] instrument SERENA, OHB Italia confirms its role as provider for complex space-systems,” said Roberto Aceti[...] " With BepiColombo, another instrument OHB contribution travels into space: the...
Data protection
has the right, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to object to processing of personal data[...] by any of the abovementioned legal grounds, if processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued[...] that are stored on a computer system via an...
TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 - Part 5: How space technology makes railway lines safer and more efficient
by the exploration of our solar system. More TwoMinutesOfSpace 15. October 2021 Arctic Weather Satellite - Part[...] are realising a project with the Arctic Weather Satellite that is in line with the idea of New Space. More [...] satellites are not enough to record the weather everywhere on our...
TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 - Part 6: Life on Mars and Venus?
Arctic Weather Satellite - Part 4 of #TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick[...] 4, Carsten Borowy explains why geostationary satellites are not enough to record the weather everywhere[...] Satellite that is in line with the idea of New Space. More
TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 - Part 7: Solar Sailing
Arctic Weather Satellite - Part 4 of #TwoMinutesOfSpace Season 2 with Carsten Borowy and Charlotte Bewick[...] 4, Carsten Borowy explains why geostationary satellites are not enough to record the weather everywhere[...] Satellite that is in line with the idea of New Space. More
OHB leads design of future sovereign European missile defence programme
programme Bremen, 5 July 2021 - The European Commission has selected OHB System AG, a subsidiary of space[...] missiles and hypersonic threats”, said Michele Bonerba, Project Manager and Head of Future Space Security[...] and technology group OHB SE, to lead a space surveillance and early warning...