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Viewing results from „51 to 60” of 200 results total
Destination Venus part 4: What could a mission to Venus look like?
Janovsky, head of pre-development at OHB and an expert in space systems studies, considers a mission[...] around Venus on April 11, 2006, studying the planet’s atmosphere until the end of November 2014[...] . Dr. Rolf Janovsky, head of pre-development at OHB and an expert in space systems studies,...
OHB Italia and ESA sign the contract for Comet Interceptor mission study
study On the track of comets: Mission enables mankind to gain a deeper understanding of the origins[...] OHB Italia as one of the two prime contractors performing a study of the Comet Interceptor mission
OHB awarded ESA contract for the development of 3 Biological Experiment Units for the Biolab facility on board the ISS
for the development of the experiment called “Suture in Space” . This experiment studies the wound closure or healing[...] of human skin and blood vessel under microgravity. Previous studies showed effects on the behavior[...] area of business is the study, design, manufacturing, integration,...
Space Encounter: We are running out of time
warming is progressing at an alarming rate. That is why I have commissioned an OHB team to conduct a study[...] concepts. The title of this internal study is "Solar Radiation Management" (SRM). In this study, concepts[...] studied law in Berlin, Hamburg and New York. He worked as an attorney in...
We.OHB - Part 11: Checking quality with a passion
study on asteroid defense for the competition. OHB is already involved in this area through the Hera[...] possible. But when I found out, my math grades finally started improving. I subsequently studied aerospace[...] with my working students explaining the inspection procedure and how the...
THE OHB STORY HIGH FIVE: From a five-man team to the Top 3 in European aerospace How the Fuchs family and its team turned the small hydraulics company OHB into a global player in the international space industry. 1981 A small step for man The success stories of exceptional companies frequently...
Space Encounter: Bremen consolidating its “City of Space” reputation as the host of the IAC 2018
that we will be signing the contract for this unique project together with our partners at IAC. Projects and studies[...] from its location in Sicily. Together with a study to examine how “space weather” in the form of solar storms can[...] lunar landing. Personal details: Born in 1962, Marco...
Award for OHB SE Supervisory Board member Heinz Stoewer
satellite projects as an effective teaching instrument for engineering students. “I am very pleased[...] for the students that the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Delft University of Technology has announced[...] an annual Best Space Student award with the endowment for the IEEE Simon...
Smart use of satellite data: OHB DIGITAL wins the "Copernicus Demonstrators - Mobility, Emergency and Infrastructures" project funded by EUSPA with EUR 1.7 million
- Mobility, Emergency and Infrastructures" project funded by EUSPA with EUR 1.7 million New study lead by OHB[...] as the prime contractor of the study is supported by the following partners: Euroconsult, France; e:fs TechHub
Fly me to the Moon!
and exploit our closest neighbor in space. We are working on several studies and projects ranging[...] AG and project manager of the LSAS collaboration with IAI, on why the Moon is worth studying: “As opposed[...] accommodation requirements”, says Dr Timo Stuffler, Director Business Development...