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Viewing results from „61 to 70” of 227 results total
Earth Observation: OHB System AG selected for the definition phase of the next optical Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission
optical Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission For a better understanding of climate change: European Space Agency[...] the continuity of data in the fight against climate change The Sentinel-3 NGO mission, the parameters of which[...] , humanitarian aid, climate and global change, aerosols and atmosphere,...
OHB AG to be converted into a Societas Europaea
shareholders in the OHB SE; accordingly, there will be no change in status of the shareholders. The invitation[...] intercultural structure. The change of corporate status will permit more uniform and clearer governance
OHB Italia contributing to exploration of Mercury: SERENA instrument launched on-board BepiColombo
for a better understanding of the environment and the evolution of Mercury. To characterize Mercury’s
OHB wins ESA contract for a study to implement radar-based Earth observation from geosynchronous orbit
. Mission proposals from researchers Humanity is confronted with an increasing threat from climate change[...] project at OHB, explaining the special challenge to be addressed. At the same time, she also emphasizes[...] currents, movements of ice masses and topographical changes of the Earth’s...
Notable success for space in Germany and Europe
mission for the future measurement of climate change,” stated Fuchs. “And so this is precisely where[...] the ESA states are about not just passively standing by and watching the dangerous changes to the climate[...] not change the consequences for the production teams of Ariane 5 at MT...
Hyperspectral satellite EnMAP ready for orbit
of and changes to the ecosystem on the earth’s surface. The “environmental observer” is to lift off on board[...] , the satellite, which is truly a technology miracle, spent many months in the test chamber during the summer[...] with regard to the availability of plant nutrients? What impact is...
Minister of State Aiwanger convinces himself of the performance spectrum of MT Aerospace AG
have also presented the aerospace industry worldwide with some existential challenges," said Minister[...] now. Bavarian aerospace can make a decisive contribution to tackling social challenges such as climate[...] change." The board members pleaded for the subscribed German budget to be kept at...
Capital Market Day 2024
of the company's new governance structure. This includes changes to top positions in all three business segments[...] to the Supervisory Board of OHB System AG. Romana Fuchs Mayrhofer was elected Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board[...] Spaceport Alliance GmbH. The Group also used these changes...
Capital Market Day 2024
structure. This includes changes to top positions in all three business segments: Chiara Pedersoli has been[...] System AG. Romana Fuchs Mayrhofer was elected Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of OHB System AG. Hans[...] used these changes as an opportunity to restructure the Executive...
Antwerp Space’s new clean room opens doors toward new European space programmes
communication equipment transmitting from Mars to Earth. The analysis of the radio signals characteristics