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Viewing results from „71 to 80” of 140 results total
Space Encounter: Bremen consolidating its “City of Space” reputation as the host of the IAC 2018
© OHB Space Encounter 20. September 2018 A column by Marco Fuchs: thoughts about time and space[...] at the next IAC in 2019, which will be taking place in Washington to mark the 50th anniversary of the first[...] lunar landing. Personal details: Born in 1962, Marco Fuchs studied law in Berlin,...
Space Encounter: Despite the Corona pandemic: 5 reasons why space industry will continue to gain importance in 2021
© OHB Space Encounter A column by Marco Fuchs: thoughts about time and space Despite the Corona[...] a year! Are you feeling the same way? I still look a little incredulous at what has happened since March[...] its first launch for 2022 under the umbrella of OHB. I firmly believe in the market...
“We want to inspire young people for aerospace jobs at OHB”
that we are challenged by a basically void labour market yet continue to receive many unsolicited applications[...] that we are obliged to address the topic of demographics in a German environment marked by a very tense employment[...] market in our industry. And in view of the fact that for...
The crisis makes the need for space technology more obvious
© OHB Space Encounter 09. April 2020 A column by Marco Fuchs: thoughts about time and space[...] . I am glad that the space industry is doing better than other sectors and that market fluctuations[...] decades. Stay healthy! Personal details: Born in 1962, Marco Fuchs studied law in Berlin,...
Space Encounter: Germany's Internet gaps hamper innovation and damage prosperity
© OHB Space Encounter 31. August 2020 A column by Marco Fuchs: thoughts about time and space[...] : Thierry Breton, the French EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, who is also responsible[...] up with projects like Space X's Starlink. Personal details: Born in 1962, Marco Fuchs...
Artemis, the Gateway and the future of humanity in space
– including ESA – have made it their next goal to take humans to Mars. This requires technologies that need[...] : the one to Mars. The NASA-led Artemis programme consists of several components. These include the Space Launch[...] Germany demonstrates claim to technology leadership Read more Marco...
Welcome back on planet Earth Matthias Maurer!
Space Station always in sight: When Dr. Marco Berg, Head of Human Space Flight and Exploration at OHB[...] time. When it needed a new place, I took care of it." No wonder, Marco Berg has been closely connected[...] the knowledge of all of us and, of course, to keep gaining new insights for our...
Space Encounter: Europe is building an infrastructure of findings with Copernicus
© OHB Space Encounter 02. July 2020 A column by Marco Fuchs: thoughts about time and space Europe[...] details: Born in 1962, Marco Fuchs studied law in Berlin, Hamburg and New York. He worked as an attorney[...] . Marco Fuchs is married and has two children.
Return to the Moon: First Apollo, now Artemis
by 2024. On March 26, 2019, during the fifth meeting of the National Space Council in Huntsville, Alabama[...] by astronauts for 2028. A lot has happened since March 26: Pence’s rallying cry of “What we need now is urgency[...] missions to reach more distant targets in our solar system, for...
EnMAP: Making the invisible visible
Observation 24. March 2022 EnMAP: Making the invisible visible On the importance of hyperspectral remote[...] with the project and their courage to march on without allowing themselves to be intimidated by the complexity[...] , OHB has developed and built a full-scale technological system. Does...