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EASI-STRESS: Non-destructive analysis of residual stress in components

connections Read more Career 26. August 2024 PhD at OHB: Detecting pipeline leaks with satellite data[...] , so the consortium is also European. OHB represents the European aerospace sector and German industry. However[...] its requirements. OHB represents the European space industry and contribut...
Small but powerful: Microsatellite ESAIL gets ready for launch

community NextGen creates connections Read more 07. February 2019 Fateful phone calls and happy events[...] not have to be a dream. OHB is constantly looking for new pioneers around the entire would and in all[...] Miguel Ordoñez Labrador from OHB subsidiary LuxSpace talks about the challenges of...
Obituary for Ulrich Schulz

and responsibility for the development, construction, and operation of OHB’s first small satellites such as SAFIR[...] to a very special person whose name is associated with OHB like hardly any other. Our paths crossed as early[...] of optimism in a small hydraulics workshop called OHB, which we...
Space Encounter: Germany demonstrates claim to technology leadership

primarily through the Secure Connectivity programme, a constellation of satellites that will provide secure[...] and autonomous communications. This is particularly important if connections on the ground are disrupted[...] decided to resume the mission with a new constellation of partners and to...
The crisis makes the need for space technology more obvious

that there could be delays in the awarding of contracts. OHB took measures early on So what can a company[...] to take this opportunity to describe what OHB has done and continues to do to ensure that the company[...] we have to consider measures such as company holidays or short-time working at...
What is Galileo capable of?

precise positioning data. To protect your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider[...] and rescue services on the water and in the air. OHB is the principal contractor for the development[...] to secure a contract for two satellites How OHB became the prime contractor for...
Human Spaceflight

. In this connection, OHB-System executed a phase 0 study for the Lunar Exploration Orbiter (LEO) mission on the basis[...] Human Spaceflight Human space flight has a long tradition at OHB. OHB experts in Bremen alone[...] in the history of OHB System AG. Press release: 09. February 2018...
How MT Mechatronics is using radio telescopes to help answer the major questions of interest to humanity

observatory. To protect your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider has been blocked[...] and pressure, both NASA and OHB are working on concepts based on rather unusual ideas. While NASA plans[...] of OHB, on OHB's contribution to the next Israeli lunar mission. Read...
Supervisory Board

serves to ensure responsible management and control of the Group geared to value creation. OHB[...] of the Netherlands in Hamburg since 2010. He has been a member of the Supervisory Board of OHB SE and the company’s[...] legal predecessor, OHB AG, since 2012 and since 1st April 2018 Chairman of...
Is there life on Mars?

and pressure, both NASA and OHB are working on concepts based on rather unusual ideas. While NASA plans[...] Israeli mission to the Moon Marco Fuchs, CEO of OHB, on OHB's contribution to the next Israeli lunar[...] AS LITTLE GREEN MEN. AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. ANDREAS WINKLER FROM OHB SYSTEM AG...