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OHB SE discloses 9M interim report 2020
period of the previous year. The EBIT margin on own value added changed to 8.5% (prior year 9.7%). At EUR[...] , the Management Board no longer assumes that the guidance can be achieved. Due to the changed market outlook[...] for the Ariane 6 rocket program and delays in the supply chain caused by...
Capital Market Day 2021
. The corresponding documents will be available for download on OHB SE's website. Organisational Chart Contact
CO2M passes Preliminary Design Review
mission on track to tackle climate change from space Bremen, 14.03.2022 - The CO2M mission, a key mission[...] is one of the most important tasks that satellites fulfil for the benefit of mankind. To meet this challenge
Focus on the moon: OHB System joins the Euro2Moon project
the implementation of space resources value chains for the benefit of sustainability in space. Today Euro2Moon counts[...] chains for the benefit of sustainability in space. Today Euro2Moon counts 10 partners: AIRBUS DS, AIR
Bavarian State Minister Aiwanger visiting OHB in Bavaria
of the OHB Group. Tracking climate change State Minister Aiwanger congratulated the company on a tender[...] and provide information on climate changes and the state of nature and the environment. "OHB makes a crucial[...] of and changes in ecological and aquatic systems. This will provide new...
OHB SE discloses 9M interim report 2017
was again characterized by sustained momentum across the OHB Group (Prime Standard, ISIN: DE0005936124
OHB SE's annual general meeting approves dividend payment at previous year's level
to the agenda, Chairman of the meeting Robert Wethmar announced the departure of company founder Christa Fuchs[...] the Supervisory Board of OHB SE in 2002 and chaired it until 2018. © OHB Farewell of Christa Fuchs at the annual
OHB awarded contract for studies under the EU earth observation program “Copernicus”
compliance with obligations under the Paris Climate Treaty. LSTM will be measuring changes in the temperature of the earth’s[...] surface, particularly in coastal regions, with greater precision. Improved observation of changes
OHB presents “Eine große Nachtmusik” at the “Musikfest Bremen 2018“
and the Bremen Music Festival brings the musical Champions League to Bremen once a year. This makes Bremen[...] of about 45 minutes, so that there is enough time to change the venue. Further information on “Eine große
OHB and ESA sealing Hera asteroid defense mission
for global asteroid defense. As in many space projects, one of the largest challenges in executing Hera[...] meticulously timed. The Hera probe is a new technological development and therefore a major challenge