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Educate, Entertain & Inspire: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections

community NextGen creates connections The mood over coffee at the OHB Spacelounge canteen is very good[...] connections, which is why all OHB employees are always welcome at our events. We have set an internal age[...] in line with our intention of creating connections. Read more: Career 26....
OHB Digital Solutions’ customer-centric view of the world

– does OHB Digital Solutions intend to expand? That’s definitely what I’m working towards. I’m convinced[...] OHB Digital Solutions is a proven expert in processing GNSS signals and extracting[...] interference. Career Company 09. November 2021 OHB Digital Solutions’ customer-centric view of the...
Safety first: OHB subsidiary Digital Solutions in Graz tracking down jammers with GIDAS

of the European Space Agency. To protect your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider[...] Safety first OHB subsidiary Digital Solutions in Graz tracking down jammers with GIDAS Munich Airport[...] the interference signal was detected in real time by GIDAS®, a device...
The coronavirus crisis will render the world more digital

will not disappear even after this state of emergency has ended. I am convinced that there will be a digital[...] The coronavirus crisis will render the world more digital During the crisis entire organizations are suddenly[...] . 3. The coronavirus crisis will leave the world more digital. Much...
How the Digital Twin works at the port of Bremen

subsidiary OHB Digital Services GmbH, which is transforming conventional logistics into smart, digital[...] as it is continuously connected to the physical object it represents. It consists of sensors that receive data, a memory[...] Innovation Satellites 13. July 2021 How the Digital Twin works...
Courage through self-awareness

a few weeks of training lead to improved connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala[...] work&live@OHB 05. February 2020 Courage through self-awareness Zen meditation at OHB promotes[...] here? Quite simply, OHB has been offering Zen meditation in Bremen on each working day for...
OHB SE establishes new subsidiary OHB Venture Capital GmbH
to the investment. Contact for media representatives: Jochen Harms Managing director OHB Venture Capital GmbH[...] 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors and analysts: Marcel Dietz Investor[...] 06. February 2018 Press Releases OHB SE establishes new subsidiary OHB Venture...
Pioneering work for OHB-Czechspace
New female empowerment at OHB
Marco Fuchs about OHB
OHB facilitating astronomical research

OHB subsidiary OHB Digital Connect (formerly MT Mechatronics) has been building optical telescopes[...] " = "interpretation of the stars"), which uses pseudo-scientific methods to try to establish connections between[...] to astronomy As an aerospace company, OHB has close ties with astronomy and...
We.OHB - Part 5: I like the spirit at OHB
OHB’s second SmallGEO satellite in orbit
From the self-made satellite to the OHB team

: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections Read more 07. February 2019 Fateful phone calls[...] and temperature. Creativity is required for the secondary mission. This year, one team wants to connect the CanSat[...] A career in space does not have to be a dream. OHB is constantly looking...
Out of the comfort zone, into the OHB cosmos

NextGen creates connections Read more Career 26. August 2024 PhD at OHB: Detecting pipeline leaks[...] A bird's eye view of the OHB main building: countless different nationalities work here[...] under one roof. © OHB Career 07. December 2023 Out of the comfort zone, into the OHB cosmo...
Establishment of OHB Logistic Solutions GmbH
-going containers. “With OHB Logistic Solutions, the OHB Group is well positioned to benefit from the growing[...] of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: Contact for investors[...] 06. February 2018 Press Releases Establishment of OHB Logistic Solutions...
OHB SE at the ILA Berlin Air Show
. In addition, OHB displays a model of the communications satellite “Electra”. OHB obtained a contract award[...] and distribution of the samples is also on display at the OHB stand. OHB contributed to the ExoMars mission 2016[...] Head of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email:...
OHB sponsors parabolic flights for paraplegic student

: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections Read more Career 26. August 2024 PhD at OHB[...] Space flight has always fascinated Michi Benthaus. © OHB Young Talent 07. December 2022 "I can't[...] become an astronaut so easily now – but nobody can do that easily!" OHB sponsors paraplegic...
Muscle work in space: Training plan à la OHB for Alexander Gerst

data, your connection to the video streaming provider has been blocked. Click to unblock the video[...] , the findings will be used to improve rehab and training programs. Diseases of the muscles, bones and connective[...] Digital Palpation Device (MyotonPRO), developed by Myoton AS, able to...
“We want to inspire young people for aerospace jobs at OHB”

: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections Read more 07. February 2019 Fateful phone calls[...] an essential strategic role in this process. OHB has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Ecumenical[...] with one of the best schools around will help us a great deal. What contribution...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 1: Why OHB is conducting research on geoengineering

to conduct a study on geoengineering? Tomas Hamann: In February 2019, OHB hosted an in-house innovation forum[...] geoengineering projects. It would be conceivable, for example, for OHB to become involved in project management[...] of the change OHB recently completed a study on the subject of...
From SpaceX to the OHB Supervisory Board. An interview with Dr. Hans Königsmann

. . . . . . digital, of course. I only read everything digitally. Okay, it's a long way to Mars. How long would[...] . Congratulations. What are your first tasks? First of all, I would like to get to know OHB better. I know Marco[...] you for this little conversation and your time. Welcome to OHB!...
PhD at OHB: Detecting pipeline leaks with satellite data and AI

by the ESA Φ-lab and supervised by OHB Digital Connect in collaboration with the Technical University[...] of Munich. OHB Digital Connect is an expert in data processing and image analysis within the OHB Group[...] and security. © OHB Enno Tiemann is doing his PhD at OHB Digital Connect in the...
Happy Birthday, Odin! OHB Sweden satellite in service for 18 years.
Space Encounter: How OHB's IPO led to greater transparency

, it is impossible to avoid publicity in this day and age. Many developments have contributed to this: digital media[...] company, including OHB, constantly needs new, competent employees. In the wake of demographic change[...] interesting questions about the social composition of the workforce....
Become a space pioneer by joining European space company OHB

communications as secure as possible. In this connection, we repeatedly try to incorporate elements aimed[...] creates connections Read more 07. February 2019 Fateful phone calls and happy events At the age[...] INDUSTRY A career in space does not have to be a dream. OHB is constantly looking for...
What ESG (Environment + Social + Governance) means for the OHB Group

the topic even more into OHB’s daily routine so that sustainability is taken into consideration in as many[...] Company 21. September 2023 What ESG (Environment + Social + Governance) means for the OHB Group[...] Interview with OHB Board Member Daniela Schmidt Five questions for Daniela Schmidt,...
OHB SE renewing syndicated loan ahead of schedule on improved terms
terms Bremen, May 24, 2016 . OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005936124) today signed a contract[...] of the contract, OHB SE has been able to benefit from the currently low interest rates and simultaneously place[...] of Corporate Communications Phone: +49 421 2020 9159 Email: marianne.radel@ohb...
Space Encounter: Launch of four more Galileo satellites: a significant milestone for OHB
Winning in your head! OHB and SC Borgfeld: Promoting young talent in football
Happy Birthday ISS: OHB celebrates 20 years of International Space Station
We.OHB - Part 3: The current growth perspective of OHB offers us great opportunities

10. October 2024 Educate, Entertain & Inspire: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections Read[...] to it.” To protect your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider has been blocked. Click[...] from OHB technology. Read more Career 09. November 2021 OHB Digital...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 4: How TU Delft contributes to the geoengineering consortium established by OHB

forward. How did you become part of the consortium? Tomas Hamann , the project manager at OHB, approached[...] are set from within the consortium, with OHB acting as the customer. For the duration of the project[...] are. Do your students also stay in contact with the geoengineering team at OHB?...
#EngineeringOurEarth Part 5: How OHB has been working on the subject of geoengineering in 2021

. And we need those facts to make informed decisions. What is the future role of OHB within the consortium[...] ? I think OHB coordinating the consortium activities has worked very well for all parties involved. Besides[...] to avoid dangerous tipping points OHB has been working on the topic of...
Destination Venus Part 7: How OHB intends to bring scientific instruments into the atmosphere of Venus

-terrestrial life. OHB's CEO Marco Fuchs was has been convinced since long before phosphine was discovered[...] are technically challenging. To counter heat and pressure, both NASA and OHB are working on concepts based[...] change this. © JAXA #DestinationVenus Exploration 16. September 2020 How O...
From the school desk to the clean room: How physical/technical assistants qualify for a job at OHB
20-meter moonwalk: How the “Lunar Explorers” photographic work of art by Michael Najjar found its way to OHB

on board. We re-established contact after “lunar explorers” was completed in 2019. As a result, OHB[...] The "lunar explorers" photo collage at OHB in Bremen. © Michael Najjar Company[...] its way to OHB Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are collecting lunar rocks. Their massive spacesuits
How OHB wants to arouse young people’s interest in a technical job in the space industry with an exciting career experience program

All that matters is that it's up high! Tim Seidel, who works part-time at OHB, is passionate[...] OHB wants to arouse young people’s interest in a technical job in the space industry with an exciting[...] . This is a situation that many school students have surely experienced in the past. And...
Space Encounter: Germany's Internet gaps hamper innovation and damage prosperity

"digitalisation" has been haunting social and political debates for decades. In recent years, it has been possible[...] a final farewell to the analogue age. Pandemic drives digitalisation Even though a complete switch[...] Factories. The digitalisation of the economy also enjoys high priority in...

AG Augsburg, Germany Fon +49 (0) 821 99957625 DIGITAL OHB Digital Connect GmbH Bremen, Germany[...] OHB Digital Services GmbH Bremen, Germany Fon +49 (0) 421 22095-0 Fax +49 (0) 421 22095-16 OHB[...] del Mar, Chile OHB Digital Solutions GmbH Graz, Austria GEOSYSTEMS GmbH...
Space Encounter: Science must foster its role as the fountain of truth

of bridges and connections between different levels and disciplines. Although the tension between the freedom[...] changing world, in which globalized, digitalized communication often leads to information that is confusing[...] to do with digital communication, but also with the fact that it is...
Space Encounter: Europe must be careful not to lose out

. Spaceflight is becoming more global and democratic Digitalisation and worldwide networking are also ensuring[...] from space thanks to the possibilities of digitalisation and artificial intelligence. However, the venture[...] from space. Digital business models make it possible. And the demand...
How exactly is MT Aerospace entering the hydrogen era?

initiated by OHB subsidiary OHB Digital Services GmbH, which is transforming conventional logistics[...] in components. OHB represents the European space industry in the project consortium. Read more Innovation[...] 13. July 2021 How the Digital Twin works at the port of Bremen This is also...
Space Encounter: Despite the Corona pandemic: 5 reasons why space industry will continue to gain importance in 2021

continue to push ahead with digitization in Germany. Based on the experiences of 2020, I don't think[...] to a consortium of European space companies, including OHB. The EU plans to develop a so-called constellation[...] it's an exaggeration to say that the degree of digitization of a society...
We.OHB - Part 4t: It’s fascinating to see all the things that have been achieved at this company over the last 37 years

, Entertain & Inspire: How the OHB community NextGen creates connections Read more Career 19. May 2021[...] your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider has been blocked. Click to unblock[...] more Career 09. November 2021 OHB Digital Solutions’ customer-centric view of the...
We.OHB - Part 12: Instructor with a soft spot for a screwdriver

outstanding work. We will be networking with the other training facilities at OHB Digital Connect GmbH[...] everywhere else at OHB, we want to continue moving towards digitization. What does this specifically mean[...] as the backrest will go. Laid back. And who’s sitting in the office chair?...
EnMAP: A new superhero for the Earth

distributions. To protect your personal data, your connection to the video streaming provider has been blocked[...] have a higher spectral resolution than the human eye, but even a standard digital camera[...] is a multispectral instrument. Like the human eye, the sensors in a digital camera can...
Space Encounter: What does normal mean in abnormal times?

see that the change in thinking towards digital meetings does not entail any loss of efficiency; on the contrary[...] a new normality to retain many of the proven digital formats and thus to travel considerably less[...] © OHB Space Encounter 28. May 2020 A column by Marco Fuchs: thoughts about...
EnMAP: Making the invisible visible

. And this is yielding further potential for OHB Digital in the form of downstream services for commercial users. Looking[...] . As the prime contractor for the EnMAP (Environmental Mapping & Analysis Program) mission, OHB is making[...] a decisive contribution in this regard. In an interview, the ...
"It will make a significant difference for Germany as a business location whether we have a launch site or not"

of digitalisation the space industry is a key to future technologies such as autonomous driving, Industry 4.0, Big[...] will be connected to each other. And that will not be possible without satellites. German start-ups, medium-sized[...] Congress last October. In an interview with OHB's Head of...