Principles 13 WE TREAT EACH OTHER WITH RESPECT AND TRUST. WE CREATE A WORKING ENVIRONMENT THAT IS FREE OF DISCRIMINATION. 2.1.5 Trust and respect We respect all employees equally – regardless of their nationality, culture, religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy or parenthood, marital status, disabil- ity or confession, or any other factors subject to the prohibition of discrimination. As a Group active worldwide, we treat our employees fairly and openly as well as with under- standing and tolerance. Personnel-related decisions, e.g. recruitment, promotions or disciplinary measures, must be made free of any discrimination. We do not tolerate any discriminatory conduct towards other employees or job applicants. This means that the Company also expects every employee to treat their colleagues, coworkers and third parties in the same way. Every single person has the right to fair, dignified and respectful treatment. We are com- mitted to equal opportunities and to promoting a working environment that is character- ized by respect and tolerance, in which the value and dignity of each individual are ac- knowledged and all employees treat each other with mutual courtesy, honesty and dignity. Harassment, bullying and intimidation are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Each manager bears responsibility for their employees. They must earn recognition through their own exemplary personal conduct, performance, openness and social skills. Managers place their trust in their employees and agree on clear, ambitious and realistic goals, while giving their employees as much personal responsibility and freedom as pos- sible. Creating a positive working environment requires the recognition of employees’ rights. Observance of acknowledged health and safety standards in the workplace is a funda- mental principle. Providing working conditions that are conducive to good health forms part of managers’ duty of care towards their employees. Comprehensive social dialog is also one of the OHB Group’s ongoing commitments. The Group also feels obliged to ensure equal opportunities for its employees and to give them scope for personal development.