IR announcements

OHB SE's annual general meeting approves dividend payment at previous year's level

  • Distribution of EUR 60 cents per share for the past fiscal year 2023
  • Completion of the voluntary public takeover offer by Orchid Lux HoldCo S.à r.l. expected in summer 2024
  • Company founder Christa Fuchs resigns from the Supervisory Board

Bremen, June 26, 2024. At today's annual general meeting, the shareholders of OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005936124) passed all agenda items put to the vote with a large majority. The meeting was held virtually, i.e. without the physical presence of the shareholders or their proxies, and was broadcast simultaneously on the Internet.

Shareholders will receive a dividend of EUR 60 cents per share for the past fiscal year, the same as in the previous year. The shareholders today approved a corresponding resolution proposed by the Management Board and Supervisory Board. All other resolutions proposed on the agenda were also approved. In particular, these were the ratification of the actions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Bremen, as auditors, the approval of the remuneration report and the resolution on an amendment to the Articles of Association in connection with the Financing for the Future Act (Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz).

At the annual general meeting, CEO Marco Fuchs also presented an overview of the course of business in 2023 and an outlook for the current fiscal year. Moreover, he provided information on the status of the voluntary public takeover bid by Orchid Lux HoldCo S.à r.l. At present, only the approval for foreign direct investments by the Kingdom of Belgium is still outstanding. Most recently, the Federal Republic of Germany granted its approval. The transaction is expected to be completed in summer 2024.

In addition to the agenda, Chairman of the meeting Robert Wethmar announced the departure of company founder Christa Fuchs from the Supervisory Board. She resigned from her position and was given a ceremonial farewell from the Supervisory Board following the annual general meeting with thanks and in recognition of her extraordinary commitment to the Company. After more than 20 years on the Management Board of OHB System AG, she joined the Supervisory Board of OHB SE in 2002 and chaired it until 2018.

Contact for investors and analysts: 

Marcel Dietz
Investor Relations
Phone: +49 421 2020 6426

Contact for media representatives: 

Marianne Radel
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 421 2020 9159