Augsburg, 30 April 2021. MT Aerospace, a subsidiary of the space and technology group OHB SE, signed a contract with ArianeGroup on the series production of the Ariane 6 launchers exploitation phase.
The Ariane 6 launcher, which replaces the current Ariane 5 launcher, will ensure Europe’s independent access to space in the future. Ariane 6 is based on high technology from Europe and represents a sustainable technological advancement of the successful Ariane 5. The first flight of Ariane 6 is scheduled for Q2-2022. MT Aerospace AG is one of the largest Ariane 6 suppliers with a production share of around ten percent.
"We are very pleased that this contract allows us to continue our long-standing, trusting collaboration with ArianeGroup, lead contractor of the Ariane launcher program," said Hans Steininger, CEO of MT Aerospace AG. "My thanks also go to the Bavarian state government, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and the German Aerospace Center, which have supported us over the past months in securing Ariane 6 production and thus many highly qualified jobs at the Augsburg site."
“This contract is a key enabler for the competitiveness of our new European launcher on the global market. It formalizes our agreement for the exploitation phase of Ariane 6. MT-Aerospace is a key partner of the whole industrial team; our ArianeGroup engineers are working hand in hand with the colleagues from MT Aerospace. This contract marks a new milestones of the German industrial team commitment for a more versatile, reliable, innovative and competitive access to space. We would also like to use the opportunity to express our thanks to the German government for their commitment to the Ariane 6 program“, added Karl-Heinz Servos, COO of ArianeGroup Germany.
The contract covers the components of the tanks and metallic structures of the upper stage and the central stage, the main components of the central stage structure in the Vulcain engine area, and the forward and aft structures of the solid boosters. The contract is valid for the exploitation phase of the Ariane 6 program and is based on a planned annual cadence of 9 to 12 rocket launches.
Ariane 6 is a program managed and funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). As lead contractor and design authority for the launcher, ArianeGroup is responsible for its development and production with its industrial partners, as well as for operation through its subsidiary Arianespace. The French space agency CNES is responsible for the construction of the launch pad in Kourou, French Guiana.
About MT Aerospace AG
MT Aerospace AG is an aerospace company with around 600 employees at its sites in Augsburg, Cagliari (Italy), Santiago de Chile and Kourou, French Guiana. MT Aerospace develops and produces key components for the European launcher Ariane, the Airbus aircraft fleet, spacecraft and satellites. MT Aerospace is a technology leader in lightweight structures using metal and composite materials. With an order volume of ten percent, MT Aerospace is the largest supplier for the Ariane program outside France.
About ArianeGroup
ArianeGroup is lead contractor for Europe’s Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 launchers, responsible for design and the entire production process, including marketing by its Arianespace subsidiary, as well as for the missiles of the French oceanic deterrent force. The joint venture, equally owned by Airbus and Safran, employs around 7,600 highly qualified staff in France and Germany. ArianeGroup develops and supplies innovative, competitive solu-tions for civil and military space launchers, with expertise in all aspects of state-of-the-art propulsion technologies. ArianeGroup and its subsidiaries enjoy a worldwide reputation as specialists in the field of space applications equipment and propulsion, and their expertise also benefits other industrial sectors. Group revenues in 2020 amounted to €2.7 billion.
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