Capital Market Day

You can find a list of speakers for each year, followed by additional content from the respective year down below.

The IR announcement for this year's Capital Market Day can be found here.


  1. Marco R. Fuchs (CEO)
  2. Sabine von der Recke (Member of the Management Board - OHB System AG)
  3. Kurt Melching (CFO)
  4. Dr. Lutz Bertling (CSDO/CDO)
  5. Ulrich Scheib (CCO - MT Aerospace AG)
  6. Dr. Stefan Tweraser (CEO - Rocket Factory Augsburg)
  7. Irmgard Runkel (Managing Director - GEOSYSTEMS GmbH)
  8. Dr. Arne Gausepohl (Managing Director - OHB Digital Services GmbH)
  9. Daniela Schmidt (CISO)




  1. Marco R. Fuchs (CEO)
  2. Daniela Schmidt (CSO/CLO)
  3. Kurt Melching (CFO)
  4. Dr. Lutz Bertling (CSDO/CDO)
  5. Sabine von der Recke (Member of the Management Board - OHB System AG)
  6. Chiara Pedersoli (Member of the Management Board - OHB System AG)
  7. Dr. Arne Gausepohl (Managing Director - OHB Digital Services GmbH)
  8. Egbert van der Veen
    (Managing Director - OHB Venture Capital GmbH & Head of Strategy - OHB SE)
  9. Dr. Stefan Tweraser (CEO - Rocket Factory Augsburg)




Key take-aways

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  1. Marco R. Fuchs (CEO)
  2. Kurt Melching (CFO)
  3. Dr. Lutz Bertling (CSDO/CDO)
  4. Hans J. Steininger (CEO - MT Aerospace AG)
  5. Dr. Wolfgang Paetsch (Member of the Management Board - OHB System AG)

