
Marianne Radel
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 421 2020 9159


Stephanie von Neuhoff
Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 421 2020 6447


Pia Bausch
Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 421 2020 6511

News 2018

Blue Horizon Sarl, a subsidiary of the space and technology group OHB SE has received funding for the development of technologies and systems for fighting against desertification using microbiological methods in the frame of the Business Partnership Facility (BPF) of the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs (LUXDEV).


OHB System AG, a subsidiary of space and technology group OHB SE, signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) for a study to analyse the feasibility and opportunities to use Sierra Nevada Corporation’s (SNC) Dream Chaser spacecraft as a post-International Space Station (ISS) platform for European missions in low-Earth orbit (LEO). The study has an order value of 350,000 euros and runs for over a year. OHB is leading a consortium consisting of SNC and 4SPACE.


Starting today, a square in Bremen commemorates the life and work of the entrepreneur Manfred Fuchs, who died in 2014 and who, together with his wife Christa and son Marco, established OHB and made it internationally known. Manfred Fuchs Square, whose street sign was unveiled this morning, is located directly in front of OHB’s headquarters at the University Technology Park. This was also the venue of the ground-breaking ceremony held today for a new OHB production facility for space projects. The family, friends and a number of employees were joined by Bremen politicians and celebrities as well as representatives of space institutions at this double event.


OHB supports the SpaceTalks series of ESA (European Space Agency) in Germany with two events. On Friday, November 16, the SpaceTalks will be guests at the Vorhoelzer Forum in Munich and on Monday, November 19, OHB will be inviting guests to its headquarters in Bremen.


OHB System AG, a subsidiary of the Bremen-based space and technology group OHB System AG, is the principal contractor for the development and construction of the EDRS-C satellite. EDRS-C is the second node of for the European Data Relay System (EDRS), also referred to as SpaceDataHighway, which is a public-private part-nership between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Airbus. The telecommunications satel-lite is currently undergoing several months of testing at IABG’s Space Test Centre to validate it for space flight. The SmallGeo satellite successfully completed acoustic testing on November 6, 2018.


OHB System AG, a subsidiary of space and technology group OHB SE, has received funding under the European Space Agency (ESA) General Support Technology Program for the development of 3D printing technology for fabricating structural and payload components for satellites. In performing this activity, OHB will be supported by its project partners, the Fraunhofer Institute for Additive Production Technologies IAPT, the software company Altair Engineering and cbprocess GmbH.


This month, OHB Czechspace s.r.o., a subsidiary of the space and technology group OHB SE, has commenced operations at its new offices in Brno, Czech Republic. The company will be assembling an engineering team at its Brno site, initially concentrating on structural analysis and design services, systems engineering and structural hardware procurement. Czechspace already expects to receive preliminary orders this month. OHB engineer Ariane Wyen has been appointed Managing Director of OHB Czechspace.


Marco Fuchs, the CEO of the technology and space technology company OHB SE and Vice President Space of the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI), welcomes the milestones laid out in a vision for Europe’s future in space that was presented to the ESA member states’ ministers responsible for space at their interim meeting in Madrid


OHB System AG, a subsidiary of the space and technology group OHB SE, today signed a contract with the German Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Utilization of the Armed Forces for the development and manufacture of the French SARah Partner Ground Segment (F-SPGS) in Koblenz. The Management Board members Dr Ingo Engeln and Kurt Melching have signed on behalf of OHB System AG.
