Bremen, November 13, 2018. The space and technology group OHB is supporting the SpaceTalks series of ESA (European Space Agency) in Germany with two events. On Friday, November 16, the SpaceTalks will take place at the Vorhoelzer Forum in Munich and on Monday, November 19, OHB will be inviting guests to its headquarter in Bremen.
Registration for SpaceTalk Munich almost completed
On Friday, 16 November, at 6.30 p.m., an "inspiring event about space travel" will start in the Vorhoelzer Forum of the TUM, according to the website of the SpaceTalks Munich.
Various presentations and pitches will deal with the significance of space for our everyday lives. Furthermore, the event is a good opportunity to get in touch with some of the experts and researchers of the aerospace industry in Munich. Get your ticket for the SpaceTalks Munich now.
Former astronaut Thomas Reiter visits OHB in Bremen
Under the motto "Hazards from space: How space technologies protect our planet", the SpaceTalk will take place on Monday, November 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OHB's Bremen headquarter. Speakers will be the former astronaut & consultant of ESA Director General Thomas Reiter, Head of Exploration Marc Scheper and Dr. Chiara Manfletti Programme Advisor to the Director General ESA. The event will be moderated by Dr. Timo Stuffler, Director of Business Development, OHB.
Contact for media representatives:
Marianne Radel
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 421 2020 9159
Email: marianne.radel@ohb.de
Contact for investors and analysts:
Marcel Dietz
Investor Relations
Phone: +49 421 2020 6426
Email: ir@ohb.de