Mainz/Bochum September 21, 2018. The Mainz-based company MT Mechatronics Germany, a subsidiary of MT Aerospace AG within the OHB group, has today been awarded a contract for the production and delivery of five antennas by prime contractor SCISYS Deutschland GmbH for the ground segment of the “Heinrich Hertz” national satellite communications mission.
The five ground stations with antenna diameters between 7.3 to 13 meters will be performing various functions within the ground segment (in Germany). They will make it possible to control the satellite, execute and monitor the experiments and utilize the communication payloads on board of the satellite.
The contract between SCISYS and MT Mechatronics was signed today, Friday, in Bochum. “We are pleased that SCISYS has chosen us as the supplier for the antenna technology. This once again underscores MT Mechatronics’ capabilities and skills in the field of military satellite communications,” says Hans Steininger, CEO of MT Aerospace AG and thus the parent company of MT Mechatronics.
With the German “Heinrich Hertz” satellite communications mission, it will be possible to test new technologies under the extreme conditions of outer space and to carry out around 20 communications, antenna and satellite technology experiments on board the satellite. In addition, the satellite will be fitted with an independent telecommunications payload, which will be used by the Federal Ministry of Defense for communication purposes. Heinrich Hertz is being sponsored by DLR Space Management using funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and with the participation of the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg).
With this contract award, MT Mechatronics can once again assert itself in this market segment and expand its position.
Contact: Nivart Holsworth/ PR & Communication / Tel.: +49 821 505 1033 / E-Mail: pr@mt-aerospace.de
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